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Dental In Argentina

Mussuto Clinica Odontologica - Logo

Mussuto Clinica Odontologica

San Martin Sur 880, Av. España 927 ,Godoy Cruz ,Mendoza


Prosmile Dental Cordoba Argentina - Logo

Prosmile Dental Cordoba Argentina

buenos aires 810 Pb "C" ,Cordoba Capital ,Cordoba


Concepto Odontologico - Logo

Concepto Odontologico

Tucuman 1722 dep 10 A ,Buenos Aires ,CABA


Consultorios Odontológicos Integrales - Logo

Consultorios Odontológicos Integrales

Av. Pueyrredon 1316 ,Capital federal

Odontología Nueva Córdoba - Logo

Odontología Nueva Córdoba

Independencia 770, 9no piso Depto D ,Córdoba ,Córdoba


Surgical Escapes Argentina - Logo

Surgical Escapes Argentina

Av. de Los Incas 3536 ,Buenos Aires - Capital Federal ,Buenos Aires

Clinica Albertini - Logo

Clinica Albertini

3040, Santa Fe Ave, 2ºA ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal


Drs. Ruiz  Rua - Logo

Drs. Ruiz Rua

Palermo Hollywood ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal


Buenos Aires Dental Group - Logo

Buenos Aires Dental Group

Esmeralda 1066 ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal

Grupo Implanto Protetico - Logo

Grupo Implanto Protetico

Av. Cabildo 2134 9no. ”B” ,Capital Federal ,Buenos Aires


White Smile Argentina - Logo

White Smile Argentina

Av. Pueyrredon ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal

Cool Dent - Logo

Cool Dent

Junin 1359 pb ,Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires ,Buenos Aires


Dr. Morgante - Logo

Dr. Morgante

Juncal 1379 PB ,Buenos Aires


Dentis Oral Dent - Logo

Dentis Oral Dent

Santiago del Estero 118 ,Buenos Aires


Natalia Contigiani Odontologia - Logo

Natalia Contigiani Odontologia

Brown 2063 piso 10 ,Rosario ,Santa Fe


Icasati. Centro Odontológico De Alta Complejidad - Logo

Icasati. Centro Odontológico De Alta Complejidad

Edificio Paralelo 50 (Sur ), 2° piso 208 ,Pilar, Buenos Aires ,Buenos Aires

Consultorios Odontologicos Dra.Blois - Logo

Consultorios Odontologicos Dra.Blois

Av. Las Heras 2081, 1° A ,Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


Implantar - Logo


Scalabrini Ortiz 2894 piso 3 "D" ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal

Estética Dental Córdoba - Logo

Estética Dental Córdoba

Obispo Trejo 961. Depto "B" ,Córdoba ,Argentina


Dr. Samuel Pelcman - Logo

Dr. Samuel Pelcman

Avenue Santa Fe 3444 10º A ,Buenos Aires ,Capital Federal


Dental In Argentina


The use of dental braces or orthodontic braces is very common in Argentina & is indicated to correct teeth, providing a beautiful and healthy smile.


It is important to maintain all oral care, perform proper hygiene, and use an interdental brush and floss, in addition to attending periodic appointments for adjustments and maintenance.


Advances in dentistry in Argentina


Medical advances in Argentina provide more and more possibilities in terms of aesthetics and health care, with cutting-edge equipment.


Equipment and technologies used by dentists in Argentina that allow more comfort and precision, improving treatment results, are being applied in dentistry.


Such as the use of the dental electronic microscope, which creates new diagnostic possibilities and provides greater safety during surgical procedures, allowing to treat problems invisible to the naked eye, right at the beginning.


Why should I wear dental braces in Argentina? 


The main objective of using a dental appliance in Argentina is a beautiful and aligned smile, important not only for personal self-esteem but also for correcting problems. 


Its use is indicated for:


Issues such as crossbite or inverted bite, when you have a deviation of the jaw that causes the appearance of a crooked mouth, and dental occlusion, when the lower and upper teeth touch each other when closing your mouth, can cause a lot of discomforts.


Look for a good professional in Argentina, who uses equipment that allows the sterilization and quality of all the tools and materials used, such as a manual sealer for surgical grade paper, is essential.


Certainly, the training of the chosen professional and the applied technology will be directly reflected in your smile.


What are the types of orthodontic appliances in Argentina?


The type and duration of use of a dental device in Argentina may vary according to the patient's age and the purpose of its use. 


Whatever your profession or lifestyle, if you work welcoming people in concierge and cleaning services, or if you work in a home office, the fact is that a beautiful smile makes all the difference, so get to know the types of orthodontic appliances now:


Mobile device


Indicated for children under 12 years old in Argentina and after using fixed braces, to ensure that the teeth remain in the correct position. The mobile device stimulates changes in the bone structure, maintaining the alignment of the teeth.




The fixed device promotes this alignment through the mechanical force that allows the movement of the teeth. In this case, monthly maintenance is important.


There is also the option of aesthetic fixed braces in Argentina. The wires and brackets are made of materials such as sapphire or porcelain, transparent and more discreet, becoming almost invisible next to the tooth. In this case, they have a higher price.


Lingual appliance


This is a type of fixed appliance in which the brackets are placed on the inside of the teeth, in direct contact with the tongue.


In this case, the device is not visible, suitable for those people who practice high-contact sports, such as boxing.


Palatine extensor device


Applied to increase the width of the palate, the roof of the mouth is indicated for the correction of crossbite in children. Already in adults, this correction is made by surgical procedure in Argentina.


Invisible Braces


This is a type of mobile aesthetic orthodontic appliance, made with plastic plates using 3D technology.


It has a great effect on teeth alignment and can be more effective than fixed braces, but it usually needs biweekly maintenance in Argentina.




Look for a good professional dentist in Argentina, who evaluates issues such as indications and technologies used, not only in materials aimed at teeth but also with good management to make your life easier.


Simple implementations, such as an invoice issuing system, enable a better customer experience, due to increased efficiency as a whole. 


Maintain regular appointments in Argentina and take care to clean your dental appliance. It's also important to avoid very hard or sticky foods, which can damage the braces or stick to the teeth, forming plaque and cavities.


Dental Contact Lens in Argentina


It is an aesthetic work, which consists of covering the front of the tooth, called the buccal region. The material used is lithium disilicate and is much more resistant than traditional porcelain, allowing the perfect union of the veneer with the tooth.


Because it is more resistant, this technique can be done in different thicknesses in Argentina including extremely thin ones, which are called dental contact lenses.


The bonding agents between the tooth and the lithium disilicate are extremely powerful, which gives patients and specialist esthetic dentist safety in Argentina.


When are dental contact lenses indicated in Argentina?


The dental contact lens is indicated for almost all needs for aesthetic alteration in Argentina of the teeth, with the great advantage that the wear to be done is light or even unnecessary, in addition to being only in the front region of the tooth. Back in the day, tooth wear was much greater.


Why such a difference in the price of dental contact lenses in Argentina?


The value may vary according to the qualification and experience of the dentist in Argentina, a specialist in aesthetics, the laboratory and material to manufacture the lenses (parts), and the complexity of the case. 


All these factors influence the price of the procedure. But think of the resources spent as an investment to obtain a more beautiful smile, improve your self-esteem and change your look.


Cost of Dental Implants in Argentina 


Dental implants with 3i Biomet will cost you a minimum of 750$ in Argentina.