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Plastic Surgery In China

Plastic Surgery In China


Breast enlargement refers to a disproportion of breast volume caused by an abnormal increase in the mammary glands or the fat contained in the breasts. Recourse to the reduction of plastic surgery in China makes it possible to remove excess fat and mammary glands and thus correct the shape of the breasts.


Breast Hypertrophy in China


In China almost all women, who don't have one, dream of a generous breast. The breasts indeed represent an anatomical zone that is the subject of many fantasies. Even if men consider them as real assets of seduction, large breasts can be a source of suffering for women. They can interfere with everyday life or cause real physical discomfort.


Usually, the normal size of a woman's breasts is between 200 and 350 cm³. If they reach 400 m³, we speak of breast hypertrophy. If their volume exceeds 1000 cm³, it is called gigantomastia. At puberty, some teenage girls experience much greater breast enlargement than others. Often this results in the breasts dropping, which is called breast ptosis or breast sagging.


Although it is difficult to live with and prevents the practice of certain daily activities, breast hypertrophy is not inevitable. Cosmetic surgery offers an effective solution to reduce breasts that are too heavy and regain a harmonious chest. Once the operation is completed, you also gain comfort and well-being.


Indications: Why and when to perform breast enlargement surgery in China?


Breasts that are too large can cause health concerns. This can cause pain in the back, shoulders, or neck in addition to a feeling of heaviness in the chest. If you do not treat the problem, these ailments will eventually impact your sleep, your lifestyle, and especially your posture. It is best to consult a specialist.


Having breast reduction surgery isn't just about good physical health. This operation also has a positive psychological impact. Indeed, the patient ultimately finds breasts whose volume is proportional to her morphology or size.


In a young woman, it will be necessary to wait until the breasts have completed their growth at the end of puberty (around 17 years old) before proceeding with breast surgery.


How is a breast enlargement operation performed in China?


Before breast enlargement surgery in China


Consulting a mammoplasty surgeon in China is the first step to take when deciding to remedy breast enlargement. His role is to examine your morphology and give you an ultrasound to ensure that there are no contraindications or breast tumors.


The first consultation with chinese surgeon will also be an opportunity to obtain all the information you need to know about this type of operation: techniques, advantages of the intervention, results, and scars will be shown to you on recent and remote photos, post-operative follow-up, etc. will also receive a detailed quote.


It is formally advised to stop smoking for 2 months and alcohol 48 hours before the operation. Also, you must make an appointment with the anesthesiologist at most 48 hours before the operation in China. Note that complications are rare even if they exist and the success rates are very high.


During breast enlargement surgery in China


There are 3 main mammoplasty surgical practices. Each operation depends on the volume of a breast removed and the size that the patient would like to obtain. During the operation, part of the mammary gland is removed and systematically analyzed and weighed. The 3 scenarios:

  • In the case of a low volume without associated ptosis, a simple incision is made around the areola.

  • For medium breast enlargement with mild ptosis, the surgeon makes two incisions: one around the areola and another between the nipple and the lower part of the breast.

  • If the volume and the ptosis are significant, it will be necessary to resort to 3 incisions. We proceed in particular to a periareolar, a vertical, and an under the breast at the level of the submammary furrow. In this case, we speak of an inverted T-shaped scar or marine anchor-shaped scar.


After breast enlargement surgery in China


A work stoppage of 2 to 3 weeks is essential in China. It is also not recommended to carry heavy objects for 4 weeks and to stop practicing the sport for 1 month. The most common complications are hematoma by bleeding or tissue damage that may require reoperation.


Small cysts may appear, but usually, these disappear without treatment. The appearance of swelling by edema and bruises (in this case we speak of bruises) is completely normal and does not require any treatment. These will usually fade within three weeks.


The results of breast enlargement surgery in China


A suitable bra is recommended to maintain your breasts, to be worn for the first 3 days and then for at least a month for comfort. The results are visible right out of the operating room. However in China, it will take between 6 and 12 months to see the breasts take on their final appearance.


The duration of a breast enlargement operation in China


The intervention lasts between 2 and 2 h 30. It all depends on the technique used by the surgeon.


The cost of breast enlargement surgery in China


The prices vary between 5500 and 8000 euros in China. On the other hand, if more than 300 grams of mammary glands are removed per breast, you will be able to benefit from social security coverage. The costs can therefore decrease considerably and sometimes be partially covered by your mutual insurance company (between 3,500 and 6,000 euros).


The answers to your questions about breast enlargement


At what age breast reduction can be done?


It is necessary to wait until the end of growth, that is to say at the age of 17 years on average at least, before having recourse to this intervention. It is necessary to be certain for these very young patients that they are able to assume the psychological consequences, which is why a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist is most often requested.


Can I breastfeed after breast reduction?


Most often, breastfeeding is compromised after a breast reduction because most of the milk ducts have been severed during this intervention. However, surgeons recommend waiting at least a year before becoming pregnant.


When is breast enlargement treated?


Support is possible as soon as 300 grams per breast are removed. This represents a loss of breast size of approximately two cups. Only the surgeon during the initial consultation will be able to tell you if you fall within this framework. If this is the case, coverage is automatic and will not require a prior agreement form to be sent to the primary health insurance fund.