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Plastic Surgery In Bahrain

Plastic Surgery in Bahrain

When it comes to abdominal diastasis, not everyone knows perfectly what we are referring to, but given the importance of the topic that interests many people, it is good to clarify some information.


Below is an explanation of 5 key points in Bahrain of the clinical condition called “diastasis of the rectus abdominis”.


1st Key Point: by abdominal diastasis, we mean an enlargement of the midline of the muscles that we commonly call "abdominal". In other words, the two midline muscle bands that are usually close together widen each other.


2nd Key Point: in the presence of an abdominal diastasis, from an aesthetic point of view there is a sort of swelling that becomes even more evident when you go to contract the muscle, for example when doing abdominal exercises


3rd Key Point: from a functional point of view, an abdominal diastasis determines a lower resistance of the affected area which therefore becomes more subject to the formation of abdominal and umbilical hernias.


4th Key Point: many wonder how an abdominal diastasis can be diagnosed and explains that in addition to the necessary specialist visit, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal wall. This investigation is also useful for understanding the extent of diastasis.


5th Key Point: the correction of a diastasis of the rectus abdominis occurs during a lipoabdominoplasty or abdominoplasty. In fact, when you want to reshape and abdomen, you cannot avoid resolving the possible presence of abdominal diastasis, in order to achieve an excellent lasting result over time.




The sensuality of full lips is indisputable, despite the canons of contemporary beauty aiming more and more at natural beauty. Having a voluminous mouth, especially for a woman, is synonymous with charm and this explains why the medical and surgical procedures for the volumetric augmentation of the lips remain among the most requested of all.


Research has summarized in 5 key points the surgical procedure of volumetric augmentation of the lips through Dermo Adipose Graft, known by the acronym IDA. It is a plastic surgery technique that not everyone knows and which leads to appreciable results and above all definitive. With the following 5 Key Points, it will be much easier to understand how the IDA technique works:


1st Key Point: is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the volume of the lips, grafting the dermis and subcutaneous fat previously taken from other parts of the patient's body.


2nd Key Point: the dermal adipose graft surgery in the lips is performed under local anesthesia associated with sedation and does not require an overnight stay in the clinic.


3rd Key Point: the increase in volume obtained with the IDA procedure is stable over time, but it is necessary to consider a retraction of the tissues and therefore of the volume of about 30-40% in the following three months after the operation.


4th Key Point: We have highlighted the total absence of rejection hazards or any "incompatibility" during the volumetric augmentation of the lips with IDA This is because the volumizing material has no heterologous character, it is therefore not foreign to the body, but it is taken from the same patient.


5th Key Point: in the event that the result achieved with the IDA technique does not fully satisfy the patient's needs, it is possible, at the end of complete surgical healing, to obtain a further enlargement of the lips using hyaluronic acid-based fillers, as it is a secondary insertion with respect to the volume obtained with the patient's own material.




Among the various treatments designed to combat hair loss and their aging in Bahrain, that of PRP, or Platelet Rich Blood, is proving to be largely effective and records an increase in hair density in 80% of cases.


Before examining how the procedure is carried out, it must first be pointed out that PRP is a plasma concentrate that contains many platelets and vascular growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and hair regrowth.


The PRP treatment is therefore in great demand by both men and women who want to stop hair loss and strengthen their hair, through a natural method that uses an autologous substance.


There are 4 phases of a PRP treatment to regenerate the scalp in Bahrain:




The cosmetic surgeon takes a small amount of blood, about 20 cc from the patient, and transfers the vial to a particular certified machine for exclusive medical use




The machine starts a blood centrifugation process in order to separate the platelet-rich plasma. This precious substance is aspirated with a syringe which will then be used for infiltration




The infiltration of the substance obtained from the patient's blood occurs only after disinfecting the affected part of the scalp. These are small punctures that do not cause pain and generally no type of local anesthetic is required.


The success of PRP to solve the problem of androgenetic alopecia is due to its numerous advantages such as the ability to stimulate the regeneration of the follicles, without encountering side effects or allergic reactions as the substance is extracted from the patient himself. Another point in favor of the PRP is the speed of execution and the possibility of immediately resuming one's daily activities without any period of convalescence.


Plastic surgeon and aesthetic doctor who carries out his activity in many Bahrain cities, consider PRP a very valid treatment to combat hair loss for both men and women but stresses that a single session cannot guarantee any desired result.


The PRP for the scalp bears fruit only after completing a cycle of sessions to be performed according to the times and methods prescribed by the professional.