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Hair Transplant In Bahrain

Hair Transplant In Bahrain


The problem of hair loss is one of the most prominent problems that constitute a nightmare for most of us. Hair represents an essential beauty element, whether for men or women and with it completes the handsomeness and charm of the attractive appearance. 


Therefore, many medical efforts have been harnessed to try to understand this phenomenon from a physiological point of view, and many therapeutic techniques and pharmacological drugs have been developed to overcome this problem and reduce it. 


Many of these methods have proven successful, but the hair transplant in Bahrain was the most prominent and best way in terms of speeding up the problem and ensuring its results as a permanent solution to the treatment of baldness.




The Kingdom of Bahrain consists of 33 islands, located to the east of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is one of the first countries in the Middle East and the Gulf to discover oil. This was the reason behind the huge industrial and medical renaissance that the country witnessed, which helped the spread of hair transplantation in Bahrain.




Simply put, the idea of ​​hair transplantation is to transfer hair from denser areas to areas where hair is falling out.


At first, the doctor begins by sterilizing the part from which the hair will be removed, and then injects it with a local anesthetic. To prevent you from feeling pain. You can ask for full hypnosis if you are very nervous when exposed to these situations.


Hair transplantation in Bahrain is usually performed by following one of these techniques:


Extraction method (FUE): In this technique, the surgeon extracts the hair from its roots directly from the profuse areas and then implants it in the problem areas.


Slide method (FUT/FUG): Here the process depends on removing an entire part of the scalp, then dividing this part into smaller parts that are planted in places that suffer from baldness.




Many factors control the price of a hair transplant in Bahrain, but it is noted that the prices are low when compared to the prices of the rest of the Gulf countries such as the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia.


The price of a hair transplant in Bahrain ranges from 4000 to 15000 US dollars. The following factors lead to this huge price difference:

  • The type of technique the surgeon will use: Performing a hair transplant in Bahrain with the FUE technique will cost you much more than the FUT technique. This is for its obvious advantage and does not leave traces of wounds on the scalp.

  • The area of ​​the cultivated area: The area of the area to be cultivated is directly proportional to the high price of the operation.

  • The clinic and the surgeon: The quality of service and health care provided in the clinic plays a major role in determining the price of the operation, and the surgeon’s experience and skill is a factor that should not be overlooked when determining the final price.




Making your decision to have a hair transplant in Bahrain will be easy due to the following features:

  • It provides many hospitals, clinics, and centers equipped with the latest technologies and advanced devices.

  • The presence of a selection of the best Arab and foreign surgeons, and high success rates for the operation.

  • The small size of the country and its organization help to save a lot of wasted time in transportation.


As for the disadvantages of hair transplantation in Bahrain, they are limited to simple points, including:

  • Bahrain's hot and humid weather may be causing you some inconvenience.

  • Some security problems in the country.

  • The rare possibility of infection or blood disease.




There are many cosmetic medical centers that allow you to perform hair transplantation in the Kingdom of Bahrain, we will mention here some of them:


  • Dr. Anwar Al-Alaiwat

  • Dr. Tariq Saeed


Male Pattern Hair Loss


As can be understood from the name of male pattern hair loss, it is the colloquial name of hair loss that usually occurs in men. It is the name given to the type of hair loss seen in men who do not have a medical disease and even there is no genetically familial baldness. Male type hair loss generally represents the loss of the forehead shade and light temples.


We can say male pattern hair loss to people who lose their hair on the forehead and temples and have healthy hair in all other areas. Although this is rare, it can also be seen in women. Or, although it is not noticed in women, their foreheads may be wide congenitally and hair transplantation can be done in this area.


Male pattern hair loss usually starts in adolescence and when the puberty process is completed, hair loss stops. This type of hair loss ends at the age of 20 on average and these people may not have hair loss again. Therefore, attention should be paid to the adolescence period and care should be taken not to spend it under too much stress.


If hair loss continues in people over the age of 20, this is not male pattern hair loss. There may be other reasons for this hair loss and the source of the hair loss should be investigated.


How to stop male pattern hair loss?


As we explained above, male pattern hair loss can usually stop spontaneously at the end of puberty. But in this period, supportive treatments can stop male pattern hair loss faster. As supportive treatments, of course, stress reduction comes first.


During adolescence, parents should not put too much pressure on children and should not increase the stress of children in adolescence with the already existing school, exam, future anxiety. Adolescents' blood values ​​should be checked and iron and iron-binding values ​​should be measured. If there is a deficiency, it should be tried to increase the blood values ​​to normal values ​​with supplements.


Vitamin B deficiency and anemia values ​​should be measured, and if there is a situation below normal in these values, blood values ​​should be increased to normal with vitamin B supplementation.


These recommendations can stop the progression of existing male pattern hair loss and make existing hair stronger.


What is the solution for male pattern hair loss?


This type of hair loss may not be noticed most of the time, and years later, when looking at the photos in the archive, it can be understood that the hair is falling out. Therefore, it may not be intervened while male pattern hair loss occurs. It is only possible to restore the lost hair with hair transplantation. Hair in a spilled area will never come back with additional treatments and alternative medicine applications.


Hair transplantation can be applied to men and women and results in a 99% successful aesthetic practice. Men and women with male pattern hair loss, also known as the wide forehead, can be cured of this problem with a single session of hair transplantation. Moreover, the hair transplanted to the front parts of the head in hair transplantation always gives better results.


Since male pattern hair loss is in the frontal areas, it is a type of hair loss that can be done with the unshaven hair transplantation method. Moreover, it is possible to achieve permanent solutions with comfortable hair transplantation with painless hair transplantation methods.


Male pattern hair loss hair transplant prices in Bahrain


If there is male pattern hair loss and the rate of hair loss is low, it may not be evaluated with normal hair transplant prices. For this reason, hair transplantation is performed in Bahrain at a price that is at least 20% more affordable than normal hair transplantation prices, and it is possible to solve male-pattern hair problems.